viernes, 29 de marzo de 2019

Being expelled by a robot or censored by a recruiter, what is worse?

Being expelled by a robot or censored by a recruiter, what is worse?

The fear of unemployment, especially when there are still personal conditions to continue working (health, commitment, adequate studies, experience, family obligations) is accentuated when candidates for employment are over 40 years old. The Leviathan, the mythical monster, represented by the recruiter, is revealed when he uses age as a pretext and attributes all the evils, weaknesses, shortcomings, limitations, vices, flaws that will prevent him from acting efficiently and effectively in the position to which he presents himself. the supposed "old". Discrimination due to racism or sexism is increased by ageism.

Is this fear the only threat to the security and stability of individuals and families? Are only 40+ old people condemned? Is the world now of the young? Will the recruiters have the same power and discretion to improve or ruin the future of many people?

Not resounding. Now there is another Leviathan that also looks for those who believe they are immune, safe and far from the drama of unemployment. Lagorio-Chafkin (2018) indicates that an investigation of the Universities of Ball Sue University and Villanova (both in the United States) found that the more people perceived the risk of their work being automated, the poorer their mental and physical health was for the greater insecurity. In the journal Social Science and Medicine, it is said that "people who live and work in areas where tasks are automated are sick with the idea of ​​losing their jobs and have no way to support themselves or their families."

Michael Hicks of Ball State University and other researchers found these results in 2018, although earlier in 2015, he found that job losses in the nation's manufacturing sectors due to automation reached 88 percent in recent years. . This percentage may vary in other studies, but it is true that there is a strong positive correlation between automation and fear of job loss (or actual loss). In addition, the Pew Research Center (Washington) discovered that two-thirds of Americans expect, or fear, that computers or robots will do much of the work humans do in 50 years (Lagorio-Chafkin, 2018).

This Leviathan chooses all the old ones, tired, with wrinkled skin, with gray hair, to devour them, because he has infinite hunger. Young people, with lush skin, tanned by the sun of tropical beaches, formed in gyms, with 25 or 30 years old, are saved and for now they are not part of the monster's lunch. The excuses can be irrational, because people are usually discarded because of overqualification. That is, if he has competences beyond what the requested position demands, he assumes that he is qualified to do everything that corresponds to said position. It is an absurd situation, Kafkaesque, worthy of Ripley (Although you do not believe it) and dramatically real.

A doctor presents for a Cardiology job, but is also trained in Gastroenterology and Neurology. He knows a lot and is discarded. It's ironic, but it reminds you of the decisions of the Chicago mafia. "This guy knows a lot; You have to eliminate it. " Discrimination by age, by having gray hair, by knowing a lot, in full action, in every place, at all times.

The Leviathan in these times of high technology, has expanded the list of possible victims. Recruiters and millennials or young beards, without family, without responsibilities, with athletic bodies, tanned skin and smiles of Hollywood stars, as well as people from other professions and activities are also afraid, they also experience the bitter taste of fear of unemployment. They are not old, they do not know much, but they can be below the robots and Artificial Intelligence in the performance of many activities. The robots will decide who knows as much or more than they do, and will discard those who do not dominate the Statistics to make good predictions or projections, for example. The Leviathan devours them without being dazzled by youth and its charms. Now it is discrimination based on incompetence, which can not be hidden or disguised.

The Leviathan has no preferences or prejudices like humans. The Leviathan has no interests, is not pressured or has moral conflicts, does not evaluate the favorable and unfavorable aspects of its decisions, it only executes its selection algorithm. The human Leviathan, the recruiter, has all the previous biases that discriminates against a specific group, those over 40; discards those who changed jobs several times, those who have children, those who have a nervous tic. That's why they are wrong often. The non-human Leviathan, the robot and the AI, do not have those biases, they are implacable and inflexible to decide if a human can do the job well; but take control immediately. In general, they are not wrong.

The recruiter has the power and ability to act well and change the destiny of the people; with science and conscience (the latter often stays at home or hidden in the trunk of the car). The robot has the power and ability to change the fate of people, and is based only on an algorithm that is supposed to be perfect. Creation surpasses the creator. Currently, the applied AI can already perform all the tasks of a recruiter, efficiently and effectively, so they must also put their beards soaking; Robots not only lift heavy loads or act in dangerous environments, they can also recruit, discarding old people or recruiters if they do not have real skills.

The question is: What is worse? Be expelled and kicked by recruiters for being old 40+, even when it meets all the requirements and requirements of companies? To be expelled and kicked by robots with AI, for not being able to equal them or overcome them in the execution of tasks; despite having the dazzling and glamorous appearance of youth?

Link to see how a robot works (which is still a prototype, it is still necessary to perfect functions and abilities)


Study: Fear of Robots Taking Their Jobs Is Making Workers Sick
By Christine Lagorio-ChafkinSenior writer, Mrach 20, 2018

Cuando te discriminan por tener más de 50 años
Edurce Concejo, Barcelona, 01/mar/2018